Why you should learn CPR

Why you should learn CPR
Why you should learn CPR

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is something we teach every day at Australia Wide First Aid. No matter what you do or where you are located, we believe anyone over the age of 14 can benefit from learning CPR. You never know when it could mean the difference between life and death. Emergencies happen every day, everywhere.

This is why we offer our CPR training services in various locations throughout Australia, including all capital cities, regional centres and remote areas on special request.

Our Training Locations

We have training all all states of Australia, including the CBD's

What’s the point of learning CPR?

Three words: it saves lives.

In the case of an emergency, CPR can help buy time until medical professionals arrive. While paramedics strive to get to the scene of an emergency as quickly as possible, sometimes a patient needs instant assistance – particularly if they stop breathing.

One reason CPR is important is that many cardiac arrest cases happen at home or in a recreational setting. Places generally ill-equipped to deal with emergencies. The first five minutes of a cardiac arrest episode are the most critical, so anyone trained in CPR is a good person to have around.

When would you use CPR?

There are many situations where this technique can make a difference. The whole point is to keep oxygen flowing in the injured party’s body long enough for them to get to a hospital. Some common examples include:

  • near drowning
  • suspected heart attack
  • drug overdose

Certain people are in the high-risk category for cardiac arrest, depending on how healthy their lifestyle is. There are certain factors that increase one’s susceptibility. Elderly males with underlying conditions such as hypertension, heart failure, diabetes and chronic kidney disease are the most vulnerable. People with a personal history of arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat) are also more likely to suffer from a cardiac arrest, as well as those with a history of drug or alcohol abuse.

Not every case has to be a tragedy. People can survive a cardiac arrest with prompt, appropriate medical care. At Australia Wide First Aid, we know how valuable and reassuring CPR training can be in these types of situations.

There’s nothing worse than feeling helpless. Being alert and properly trained can save countless lives. Contact us today if you’re interested in learning more about our CPR courses.

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