First Aid Glossary icon

Every important First Aid terms explained.


Abdominal Injuries

Trauma to the abdomen causing potential internal bleeding and organ damage.

Advanced Care

Specialized medical interventions beyond basic first aid, requiring professional skills.

AED (Automated External Defibrillator)

Device used to deliver an electric shock to the heart in cardiac arrest.


Critical path for air entering lungs, must be clear to ensure breathing.

Allergic Reactions

Immune system's response to allergens, can range from mild to severe symptoms.


Severe allergic reaction needing immediate emergency treatment to prevent fatality.


Agent that inhibits the growth of infectious microorganisms on the skin or wounds.

Artificial Respiration

Manual method to restore breathing in individuals who have stopped breathing.



Materials used to cover wounds and provide support to injured body parts.

Barrier Device

Protective equipment used during mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to prevent infection.

Basic Life Support (BLS)

Emergency procedures for sustaining life, including CPR and airway management.

Bites and Stings

Injuries caused by animals or insects, potentially leading to pain and infection.

Bleeding Control

Techniques and tools used to stop or manage bleeding in injured individuals.


Fluid-filled sacs on the skin resulting from friction or burns.

Bloodborne Pathogens

Infectious microorganisms in blood causing diseases, requiring safety precautions.

Body Mechanics

The use of proper body movements to prevent injury during physical tasks.


Calm Reassurance

Providing emotional comfort and reducing anxiety during an emergency situation.

Cardiac Arrest

Sudden cessation of heart function, requiring immediate resuscitative efforts.

Cardiac Conditions

Various heart-related health issues needing medical attention and management.

Chain of Survival

Sequence of actions improving the survival rate of cardiac arrest patients.

Chemical Burns

Injury caused by exposure to harmful chemicals, needing prompt care.

Chest Compressions

Manual compressions of the chest to maintain blood circulation during cardiac arrest.

Childcare First Aid

First aid techniques tailored to infants and young children's unique needs.

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

Combination of chest compressions and rescue breaths to sustain circulatory and respiratory function.



Review and discussion following an emergency event to improve future responses.


Administering a controlled electric shock to restore normal heart rhythm.


Chronic condition affecting blood sugar regulation, requiring careful management.

Diabetic Emergency

Critical situation caused by abnormal blood sugar levels needing urgent care.


Bones forced out of position, often causing pain and requiring realignment.


Sensation of lightheadedness or imbalance, potentially indicating underlying issues.


Sterile coverings for wounds to promote healing and prevent infection.


Ear Injuries

Damage to the ear from trauma or infection, potentially affecting hearing.

Electric Shock

Injury caused by electrical current passing through the body, needing careful handling.

Emergency Contact Numbers

Essential phone numbers to call during emergency situations.

Emergency Plan

Pre-arranged procedures to follow during various types of emergencies.

Emergency Services

Organisations providing immediate assistance in emergencies, like police and fire departments.


Neurological disorder with recurrent seizures, requiring medical management.


Device for injecting adrenaline to treat severe allergic reactions like anaphylaxis.



Temporary loss of consciousness caused by reduced blood flow to the brain.

Febrile Convulsions

Seizures in young children triggered by high fever, needing prompt care.

First Aid Certification

Formal recognition of training and competence in providing first aid.

First Aid Kit

Set of medical supplies for administering initial care in emergencies.

First Aid Officer

Designated individual responsible for providing first aid in an organisation.

First Responder

Person trained to offer initial emergency assistance before professional help arrives.

Fracture Immobilisation

Techniques used to stabilise broken bones and prevent further injury.



Thin, often sterile fabric used to dress and protect wounds.


Protective wear for hands to maintain hygiene and prevent contamination.

Good Samaritan Law

Legal protection for individuals who assist in emergencies, provided they act reasonably.

Grief Counseling

Support provided to help individuals cope with loss and grief.



Heavy bleeding from damaged blood vessels, needing urgent control.

Hand Hygiene

Practices to keep hands clean, preventing the spread of germs and infections.

Hazard Assessment

Process of identifying potential risks in an environment to ensure safety.

Head Injuries

Trauma to the head requiring monitoring and potentially urgent care.

Heart Attack

Emergency where blood flow to part of the heart is blocked, causing damage.

Heat-Related Emergencies

Health issues caused by exposure to high temperatures, like heatstroke.

Heat Stroke

Severe heat illness with high body temperature, needing immediate cooling.


Immobilisation Techniques

Methods used to keep injured body parts stable and prevent further damage.

Incident Report

Documentation of events and responses during an emergency situation.

Infection Control

Measures to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.

Infection Signs

Indicators of infection like redness, swelling, and fever.

Injury Prevention

Strategies to avoid injuries in various settings.

Insect Bites

Skin punctures from insects causing pain, swelling, and potential infection.


Effects of consuming excessive amounts of alcohol or drugs.


Joint Injuries

Damage to the connections between bones, like sprains or dislocations.



Deep cuts or tears in the skin, needing cleaning and closure.

Legal Considerations

Aspects of law relevant to providing first aid.

Life-Threatening Conditions

Serious medical situations requiring immediate intervention to prevent death.


Manual Handling

Safe techniques for lifting and moving objects to avoid injury.

Medical Alert Bracelet

Accessory indicating a person's medical conditions in emergencies.

Medical Emergency

Urgent health situation needing immediate medical attention.

Medication Management

Organizing and administering medications safely and effectively to patients.

Mental Health First Aid

Initial help given to someone developing a mental health problem.

Minor Injuries

Less severe injuries that do not require emergency medical intervention.

Multiple Injury Management

Coordinated care for individuals with multiple injuries.


Nasal Injuries

Injuries to the nose, potentially causing bleeding or breathing issues.

Needlestick Injury

Injury from a needle puncturing the skin, posing infection risk.


Failure to provide proper care, resulting in harm.

Neurological Assessment

Evaluation of the nervous system to determine injury or disease.

Nosebleed (Epistaxis)

Bleeding from the nose caused by trauma or other factors.


Obstructed Airway

Blockage of the airway requiring immediate intervention.

Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)

Practices ensuring health and safety in the workplace.


Physical strain from excessive effort.

Oxygen Administration

Providing supplemental oxygen to individuals with breathing difficulties.


Paediatric First Aid

First aid techniques specifically for infants and children.

Pain Management

Techniques to alleviate pain in patients.


Common medication used to relieve pain and reduce fever.


Microorganisms that can cause disease.

Penetrating Trauma

Injury caused by an object piercing the body.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Gear worn to minimize exposure to hazards.

Poison Control

Services providing advice on managing poisoning incidents.


Radiation Exposure

Contact with harmful levels of radiation.

Respiratory Arrest

Complete cessation of breathing, requiring resuscitation.

Respiratory Distress

Severe breathing difficulty needing urgent intervention.

Resuscitation Mask

Mask used to deliver breaths during CPR.

Risk Assessment

Identifying and evaluating potential risks.


Saline Solution

Sterile saltwater used to clean wounds.

Secondary Survey

Detailed head-to-toe assessment following the primary survey.

Seizure Management

Care and interventions for individuals experiencing seizures.


Sudden, uncontrolled electrical disturbances in the brain.


Critical condition with inadequate blood flow to organs.

Skin Integrity

Maintaining healthy, unbroken skin.

Sling Application

Using a sling to immobilise an injured arm.



Abnormally fast heart rate.


Bacterial infection causing muscle stiffness.

Thermal Burns

Burns caused by heat.


Severe physical injury or wound.


Prioritising treatment based on injury severity.


Infectious disease affecting the lungs.



Open sore on the skin or mucous membrane.

Universal Precautions

Measures to prevent the spread of infections.


Not reacting to stimuli, indicating severe condition.


Venomous Bites

Bites from venomous animals.


Assisting or controlling breathing.

Vital Signs

Measurements of the body's basic functions.


Forceful expulsion of stomach contents through the mouth.


Waterborne Diseases

Diseases transmitted through contaminated water.

Wound Care

Procedures to treat and protect wounds.

Wound Dressing

Coverings used to protect wounds.


Xiphoid Process

Small bone at the lower end of the sternum.


Yellow Fever

Viral infection causing fever and jaundice.


Zoonotic Diseases

Diseases transmitted from animals to humans.