First Aid Glossary / First Aid Glossary

Seizure Management


Care and interventions for individuals experiencing seizures.

What is Seizure Management?

Seizure management in first aid involves recognizing and responding to seizures, which are sudden, uncontrolled electrical disturbances in the brain. Seizures can vary in severity and presentation, from brief episodes of altered consciousness to prolonged convulsions. Responders prioritize ensuring the safety of the casualty and those nearby during a seizure episode.

Immediate actions include protecting the casualty from injury by clearing the surrounding area of hazardous objects and gently guiding them to a safe, flat surface. Time is monitored to assess the duration of the seizure, and any potential hazards are addressed to prevent further harm. Following the seizure, responders provide reassurance and monitor the casualty's vital signs and responsiveness. Understanding different seizure types and appropriate first aid interventions helps responders effectively support casualties experiencing seizures.

Techniques to manage and provide care for individuals experiencing seizures.

First Aid for Seizures

  • Protect from Injury: Move objects away from the person and cushion their head.
  • Do Not Restrain: Allow the seizure to take its course without holding the person down.
  • Time the Seizure: Note the duration of the seizure.
  • Recovery Position: After the seizure stops, place the person in the recovery position.
  • Seek Medical Help: Call emergency services if the seizure lasts more than 5 minutes, is the first seizure, or if the person does not regain consciousness.

Takeaway to remember

Seizure management involves providing care and protection to a person experiencing a seizure, ensuring their safety, and seeking medical help if necessary.
