Meetings Outdoors in Brisbane

Melissa Dos Santos, Australia Wide First Aid chief operations manager, recommends Walk Meetings as a way to avoid the pitfalls of sedentary life.
Melissa Dos Santos, Australia Wide First Aid chief operations manager, recommends Walk Meetings as a way to avoid the pitfalls of sedentary life.

The head office of Australia Wide First Aid is in the heart of the Brisbane CBD.

It wasn't always so centrally located. But health and wellness plays the central role in our culture and way of life. What could be more central than a shiny new office in Creek Street?

We relocated from Brisbane’s western corridor, following 24 years of being based in the suburbs. Our only regret is that we didn’t do it sooner!

After settling in to our new space, we wasted no time turning our attentions to other spaces… the best of the outdoor spaces this mighty river city has to offer.

Rather than sitting in an office for hour after hour, our dynamic Operations Manager Melissa Dos Santos wisely suggested what she calls "Walk Meetings" as a way to avoid the pitfalls of sedentary life.

The abundance of parks and walkways that is accessible from our front door has made our meetings productive, healthier, and something to look forward to.

It'd be a shame not to share some of our 5 favourite spots with you. Some of these should prove convenient meeting options for anyone living and working in Brisbane.

Riverside Walkway
Riverside Walkway

1. Riverside footpath and bike way

Roma Street Parklands
Roma Street Parklands

2. Roma Street Parklands

City Botanical Gardens
City Botanical Gardens

3. City Botanical Gardens

Brisbane Southbank Parklands
Brisbane Southbank Parklands

4. Southbank Parklands and Australia's only inner-city man-made beach

Kangaroo Point Brisbane
Kangaroo Point Brisbane

5. Kangaroo Point Cliffs

Safer outdoors

Should you see someone in need of medical help when you're out and about, your first aid training could well come into practice.

Of course, when it comes to refreshing your skills, we can recommend our centrally located Brisbane CBD first aid training centre"!

Book a first aid course online or call us on 07 3437 7500.

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