Quad Bike Safety, Injuries, and Maintenance

This image is taking place during a rollover/crash
This image is taking place during a rollover/crash

Did you know it is National Farm Safety Week (July 18-24)? In light of this, we will be discussing the #1 cause of death and injury on Australian farms, quadbikes. On average there are 16 deaths caused by quad bikes in Australia per year.

Quad bikes are all-terrain vehicles/sports atv that travel on four low-pressure tyres. They come with varying sizes and engines, have a seat, handlebars, and can normally seat 1-2 people. They are designed for driving on rough terrain, such as sand dunes.

People typically use them for either work or entertainment purposes. They are usually used for work outdoors in places like farms. They're used for outdoor work because even though they are much cheaper than cars, they can carry heavy loads as a result of their high towing limits.

When it comes to entertainment purposes, the opportunities are endless. There are many different types of events but the most popular is Quadcross. Quadcross is an event where riders will race ATVs around a track with difficult terrain and jumps.

Safe Riding

One key to staying safe while riding is having safe riding technique and form. We aren't qualified to provide proper information about how to properly use ATVs. However, there are many other videos and sites online that are. Also if available, getting proper in-person training can also be very helpful.

Secondly, it's important to note that rollovers are the leading cause of death and injury. Over half of all ATV deaths, each year are a result of rollovers. Remember to always know your own, and your quadbike's limits and to handle corners with caution.

Another important tip is wearing safety gear such as a helmet, knee pads, and elbow pads. Wearing a helmet alone can reduce serious head injuries by 60%.

Another important thing to always double-check before riding is tyre pressure. Having tyre pressure that's too low can help at low speeds but can lead to less stability, poor cornering & braking.

On the other hand, high tyre pressure can lead to more wear in the middle of the tyre. It can also cause loss of traction and poor handling in rough terrain. It's important to find out what pressure is right for your bike and follow that.

Last but not least, its always recommend to have proper supervision while riding. Supervision can come in various forms, like someone watching from afar, someone following you, or even fellow riders driving alongside you. Having supervision can be crucial, especially if you're injured in a way that restricts your movement or makes you unconscious.

Vehicle Parameters

Always ensure that the vehicle size & engine power is correct for the driver. This is important because many people assume that they can ride quad bikes that simply aren't for people their size. This may sound harmless, but letting children ride powerful bikes can be seriously dangerous. Doing so can immediately increase the risk of a rollover, head-on crash, and much more as the potential is limitless.

Accessories & Maintenance

Quad Bikes have an almost infinite supply of accessories that people can apply, and some of them can be very useful. Whether it's gas can holders or mudflaps, there are many very interesting and useful tools for quad bikes.

The one we recommend for the best safety is roll bars. Roll bars are a metal frame that goes around the top of the bike. Having roll bars means that if your ATV rolls, it will roll onto the bars instead of you. Installing roll bars can be extremely helpful if the ATV flips, as they save hundreds of lives every single day.

Last, but not least, it is very important to maintain and preserve your quad bike's engine. This can mean doing simple things like regular oil changes and routine maintenance. Follow these tips to keep yourself safe and your quad bike lasting longer.

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