Cat Parasites – Keeping Your Feline Friend Safe

We all love our cats, but they can sometimes carry parasites that can harm both of them, other furry friends in the house, and our families. In Australia, it's important to know about these parasites, how to identify them, how to get rid of them, and when to seek the help of professionals.

Australia's diverse climate and environment create an ideal environment for various parasites that can infect your beloved cat. Some of the common parasites that your cat may encounter are:

  • Fleas
  • Ticks
  • Intestinal Worms

If you think that your cat has any of these nasty parasites, it is important to take immediate action to keep your cat safe and healthy.

Let's explore the most common parasites found in cats in Australia and learn how to spot them and treat them.

Over-grooming and scratching can both be signs of fleas on your cat.
Over-grooming and scratching can both be signs of fleas on your cat.

The Flea: Uninvited Guests in Your Cat's Fur

Fleas are the most notorious and pesky intruders that can latch onto your cat. These minuscule and hard-to-spot creatures are experts at hitching rides on your cat during outdoor adventures and can even infiltrate your home through contact with infested areas, which can lead to a much bigger problem - that's why catching these little pests early is key.


Identifying fleas might seem like spotting a needle in a haystack, but keep an eye out for tell-tale signs. Common indicators include excessive scratching, persistent itching, or visible bite marks on your cat's skin.

Cats, unlike dogs, groom themselves quite regularly and might eat the fleas they find, making it hard for you to find the source of their new skin problems. Here's what the experts say cat owners should look out for if they suspect fleas:

  • Look for flea dirt - another word for flea droppings or poop. It will look like black pepper scattered throughout your cat's fur or on their favourite sleeping spot.
  • Watch to see if your cat is grooming more than usual.

How Fleas Impact Your Cats Life:

While fleas might seem like nuisances, their presence can wreak havoc on your cat's well-being. These blood-sucking pests cause constant itching and skin irritation, leading to hair loss and potential allergic reactions in sensitive cats. A secondary problem emerges from fleas in cats because cats regularly groom and, in turn, eat the fleas --worms.

Prevention and Treatment:

Preventing fleas means proactive care on your part as an owner by regular use of vet-approved flea treatments such as topical solutions, oral medications, or collars. These treatments effectively repel fleas and halt their life cycle, preventing further infestation.

Vacuuming your home regularly, especially areas where your cat frequents, and washing your cat's bedding in hot water can significantly reduce the chances of flea infestations.

Seeking Veterinary Guidance:

No matter how small the issue might seem, it's always important to contact your local vet. Your vet can recommend appropriate flea control products tailored to your cat's needs, age, lifestyle, and your particular region of Australia.

Ticks can be found on any part of your cat.
Ticks can be found on any part of your cat.

The Creepy Crawly Tick

Australia's expansive terrain harbours a staggering diversity of ticks, exceeding 70 known species. Among these, the paralysis tick, found in Eastern Australia (Ixodes holocyclus), stands out as one of the worst, potentially causing paralysis and, in severe cases, fatalities, while other ticks pose less threats and are more of a nuisance.

Generally, ticks attach themselves to your cat's skin, particularly in warm, humid environments or wooded areas.

How to Spot Ticks:

Ticks can be found by feeling for small, hard bumps or, in some cases, by observing ticks on your cat's skin and fur as they crawl around.

Health Implications:

Tick bites can have some pretty serious consequences. They carry nasty side effects for their hosts, including:

  • Rickettsial
  • Queensland Tick Typhus
  • Conditions like Lyme Disease (the bacteria that causes Lyme disease has not yet been found in Australia)

Prevention and Proper Removal Tips:

You'll need to check your cat regularly. We recommend daily checks for ticks, particularly after they have been outside.

If you do find a tick on your cat, it is important to remove it immediately. You should use fine-tipped tweezers or a tick removal tool to grasp the tick firmly at the skin and steadily pull upward to ensure complete removal. This will reduce the risk of leaving any mouthparts behind, which could cause infection.

Veterinary Assistance:

If you think your cat has been bitten by a tick, it's important to act quickly and seek help from a vet. They can provide advice on how to prevent ticks and recommend treatments to protect your cat from these harmful parasites.

Proper removal of ticks ensures your cat won't have any further complications from retained parts.
Proper removal of ticks ensures your cat won't have any further complications from retained parts.

Intestinal Worms: An All Too Common Challenge

Intestinal worms pose a widespread health risk for cats and can cause a range of health problems that can last for years.

Types of Intestinal Worms:

Cats in Australia are susceptible to various types of intestinal worms, including roundworms, hookworms, and tapeworms. Each type poses its own set of health risks and symptoms.

  • Roundworms: These spaghetti-like worms reside in the cat's intestines, and their eggs can be passed through faeces.
  • Hookworms: These tiny worms attach themselves to the intestinal wall and feed on the cat's blood, potentially causing anaemia and other health issues.
  • Tapeworms: Cats can acquire tapeworms by ingesting infected fleas or prey. These segmented parasites can be seen in the cat's faeces or around the bum area, resembling small grains of rice.

Symptoms and Health Implications:

It can be tough to identify intestinal worms in cats as symptoms can vary from cat to cat depending on their lifestyle and the severity of the infestation.

Look out for signs like weight loss, diarrhoea, vomiting, a bloated abdomen, and a dull coat. In severe cases, kittens may experience stunted growth or weakness.

Transmission and Prevention:

Cats can get intestinal worms from contaminated food or water or by coming into contact with infected faeces or environments. Veterinarians recommend regular deworming treatments. The treatment type may vary depending on your cat's age, lifestyle, and risk of exposure. Good hygiene practices, such as cleaning litter boxes often, can also help reduce the risk of contamination.

Veterinary Care:

Vets can perform tests on faecal matter to detect worm eggs and then suggest suitable medication for deworming. Kittens, especially, need multiple deworming treatments as they are more susceptible to worm infestations.

Vet checks are a great way to stay on top of any complications caused by parasites.
Vet checks are a great way to stay on top of any complications caused by parasites.


If you own a cat in Australia, you might have a run in with parasites. But with some preventive measures, regular check-ups, and a watchful eye, you can keep your furry friend happy, healthy, and free of parasites so they can live out a happy life.

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