Mask wearing helps reduce viral transmission
Mask wearing helps reduce viral transmission

Our First Aid Courses are Continuing

Effective Monday 26 October 2020 Despite Stage 4 Restrictions in Victoria, our First Aid courses are still running in Melbourne! Victorians are allowed outside their homes for the following reasons:
  • Necessary goods and services
  • Medical care and compassionate reasons
  • Exercise
  • Work
  • Education if necessary

First Aid is Essential

Our First Aid courses are necessary education, as they are a requirement for people employed in these frontline industries:

  • Construction
  • Clinical Health and Biomedical Science
  • Aged and Disability Care

During this COVID-19 pandemic, it's vital  our students have clarity regarding our First Aid Training Courses. We continue to operate in line with government guidelines. Read the guidelines set down by our regulator regarding face-to-face training. We continue to make every attempt to safeguard the health and safety of our staff and students, since Monday 16 March 2020, implementing the following hygiene measures:

  • Students are required to bring their own personal hand sanitiser for use during class to
    1. Reduce common touchpoint surfaces
    2. Mitigate against cross-infection
    3. Be equipped despite unreliable supply chains for bulk PPE at this time

  • Observe thorough hand washing prior to course commencement and at break time/s
  • Reasonable adjustments made to practical assessment, avoiding student contact during practical demonstrations as per Covid-19 advice from the Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC)
  • All surfaces thoroughly cleaned before and after every course
  • Antibacterial wipes issued for use during the course
  • Reduced class sizes

We have always set the benchmark in practising industry-leading hygiene measures. At this time, we do so with added vigilance.

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