Hydrofluoric Acid has a large list of uses and benefits in our society however using it comes with many risks.
It's most commonly found in factories, although it is also used for things like, swimming pool maintenance, electronics manufacturing, pharmaceutical manufacturing, oil refining, and much more.
Understanding how to identify symptoms of hydrofluoric acid contact could be critical in assisting someone who has had contact with it.
Please see below for information on how to identify and treat a hydrofluoric acid burn with first aid.
For more information take our short 15-minute course to learn more about hydrofluoric acid, how to treat it, and much more.
Our charts can be downloaded and printed in A2 size or smaller.
You can read more in our article First Aid Treatment for Hydrofluoric Acid Burns.
Check out the video below for more information on how to provide first aid for Hydrofluoric Acid burns:
And for our full suite of downloadable resources, head to our First Aid Chart library.